Spira what? K, we’ve heard of it perhaps, but what the heck is it? right? Well in a nut shell it’s the Muhammad Ali of the plant world, cause it packs a mean punch and is authentic as it comes. Seriously though, its an algae! Yup, from the sea. Not only has it been studied to be one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet, but it contains as much as 70% protein. In comparison, beef is 22% , so you see what I mean.
The only downfall of this green genius is that it may not be the easiest thing to incorporate into recipes outside of smoothies etc. But I’m about to change allll that. This may be a lean green power machine, but don’t let the colour fool you. These bars may be my most underrated looking, delicious, dare I say taste of indulgence recipes that I have created and I adore! For reals.
If you don’t trust me, you can ask the group of hungry runners I recently fed at an awesome YYoga running /yoga workshop and a collaboration with BeFresh Market and SPUD. I wanted to create fuel foods for the workshop that were specific to runners needs. Btw stay tuned for the other recipe, its no joke, either. So playing around with Spirulina, these bars fit the bill. Light enough to eat before or after. So nutrient dense with protein and all the amino acids, carbs and a host of other ingredients that are going to fuel the fire, and then put it out afterwards by way of being enriched with anti inflammatory properties for post workout. Green algae, coconut oil, and himalayan salt also aid in this and also to help reestablish electrolyte balance and fluid loss. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.
So heres more good news, you do NOT have to be a runner to enjoy these delicious things. You can be a couch athlete, and because they are green you can feel even better about it.
They may not be conventionally beautiful, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder so please give green a chance…
power bars
Vegan, Raw, Gfree, rsfree,

- 10 pitted medjool dates
- 1/2 cup hemp hearts
- 1cup Gfree Oats
- 1/2 cup shredded coconut
- 1 cup almonds*
- 2tsp Spirulina
- 4 Tbls Coconut oil (melted)
- a pinch of himalayan salt
*you can use alternative nuts but i have found almond to be my favourite, but be my guest, mix away
Optional Cacao Drizzle
- 1/4 cup melted coconut oil
- 1/4 cup cacao powder
Using your Vitamix or High speed blender,
Starting with your oil and dates, add in your ingredients to your blender.
On medium speed blend until everything is well incorporated. You’ll be left with an awesome piece of green delicious dough.
In a parchment lined pan, spread and pat down your mixture and score for easy cutting of your bars.
Enjoy, run and repeat.
You can dress these power bars with a drizzle of the cacao and oil whisked together. Allow to set in fridge.
Store in fridge to enjoy right away or tucked in the freezer for longer.
refridgerate until solid and enjoy.

So nutrient dense with protein and all the amino acids, carbs and a host of other ingredients that are going to fuel the fire, and then put it out with anti inflammatory properties for post workout.

These sound amazing. I assume you can get spiralina at any health food store. (I effing hate autocorrect sometimes) I didn’t realize that I had written,thanks to a.c, that I assumed you could get spiralling at any health food store. It’s more of a love/hate relationship I would say.
Anyways, I digress. I can’t wait to try these. I need extra protein for sure. Sounds like a delicious way to get it. Yummy.
This will be my last comment. I just want to say I love your Blog. It’s well written, witty, and educational all at the same time. Three of my favourite things. Very well done clever Kate.~xo
You can comment as much as your heart desires, Vanessa. I should be so lucky!! I am so glad you came to the site and are spreading the love. Are you kidding me?! Simply the best!! I agree with the love/hate of spirulina. the great thing about these are that you really cannot taste it! k, let me know if you try them out. Much love, Vanessa xo