I think you all know I like a little bit of magic. I mean, I think the world needs a large dose of that, love and peace. All the ingredients that maybe could make us all a little happier and healthier. But in the meantime as I wait, no, act for world peace, at least I can drink my way to a bit of magic.
Gone are the days of lucky charms, and trix’s colouring your cereal milk. I got something better, more beautiful and actually works to help your health. No I’m serious. You can have your blue milk and drink it too.
All thanks to a little Majik. Blue Majik, that is. The powerful E3 live superfood spirulina blend that injects powerful nutrients and beauty into anything it touches.
Fun Fact: this is the first and most ancient food on the planet!!! That has got to tell you something, right? Algae. Blue Green Algae. Superfoods to all Superfoods.
The important stuff to know
- high concentration of complete Protein, vitamin and minerals and trace minerals
- Boosts your immune system
- Fights inflammation
- Works to improve Brain Health/anxiety and depression
- Omega’s
This superfood has been known to aid in the assistance of treamting autoimmune diseases, cancers, and brain health to just name a small food. It is also a complete protein which is otherwise unheard of in the plant world and makes it an exception.
Blue Majik is so easy to integrate into your daily, but I love it most in my smoothies or milk, I guess thats the kid in me.
Drink, reset, repeat
To make this super milk even more super, I have added in Moon Juice’s Brain Dust. For me taking care of our brains is paramount, and considering the benefits of these two super ingredients, its well worth a try. Don’t have a brain boosting superfood, no sweat, look to mushrooms and omegas
Recipe adapted from Erin Ireland and Erewhon

1 cup Almonds
1 Litre Water
2 Tbls raw Honey
1/2 tsp himalayan Salt
2-3 Tsp E3Live Blue Majik
Moon Juice Brain Dust (optional)
Prep: Get your almonds soaking with several cups of room temperature water. Preferably the night before, if not, the least 3-4 hours.
Drain and rinse right before use.
In your vitamix or high speed blender, blend all ingredients together until smooth and frothy. at least 2-3 minutes
Next, line a large bowl with a strainer. Then place your nut bag, or multiple layers of cheesecloth over top.
Pour in your milk. Taking a few minutes, you will work to strain and pump the milk through the bag until you are just left with the pulp in the bag from the leftover fibres and your milk in the bowl.
*** save the pulp for later to use in ganola and cookie recipes etc. ***
Pour your blue majik milk into your jug and store for 3-4 days.

Gone are the days of lucky charms, and trix’s colouring your cereal milk. I got something better, more beautiful and actually works to help your health. No I’m serious. You can have your blue milk and drink it too.